
6 Tips for Tailwind CSS Development (with resources!)

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Learn neat tricks and resources to speed up your development with Tailwind CSS

Why Use Tailwind CSS for Your Next Project

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Learn the benefits of using Tailwind CSS on your next project and how it differs from other CSS solutions like Styled Components.

Page Transitions In React

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Learn how to create beautiful animated page transitions with Framer Motion.

Getting Started with React Animations

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Learn the basics of animation in React using Framer Motion. We'll focus on learning about motion components, mount and unmount animations, orchestration, dragging, and automatic animations.

Kick-Start Your Newsletter: Mailchimp Custom Form with React

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Learn how to create a custom newsletter sign up form in React with JSONP and serverless functions.

Make Text Match Any Background Color

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Learn about contrast ratio, luminance, and how to use these to make a text color match any background in an accessible way.

Using React Spring to Animate SVG Icons: Dark Mode Toggle

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In this post, we will learn how to animate SVG icons using React Spring. We will be building a dark mode toggle.

How to Change Between Light and Dark Themes in Ant Design

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Learn how to change themes dynamically with the Ant Design UI library. In this post, we will be exploring how to change between dark and light themes.

Test Your Email Flow with Mailhog, a Fake SMTP Server

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Learn how to set up Mailhog with Docker so you can test your email flow for free

40+ High-Quality Free Resources for Web Development

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Resources are extremely important for a programmer since they can greatly improve productivity while coding.

How to Find solutions To Your Programming Problems Outside of Stack Overflow

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Learn how to find solutions outside of Stack Overflow using Github and other methods.

Create and Publish a Supercharged Typescript Codebase

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Learn how to create and publish a robust Typescript codebase with tsdx and np

Creating an Accessible, Responsive Pixel Perfect Website

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Use semantic HTML and CSS to create an accessible and pixel perfect website.

Semantic HTML. What, Why, and How

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Learn why semantic HTML is important for creating accessible and pixel perfect websites.

How To Create Pixel Perfect Layout Models

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Approaches to create a perfect layout that will let the developer translate his design to responsive and accessible code.

How to Make a Markdown Blog With Next.js

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Create a markdown blog with Next.js and Tailwind.css.

Create Mobile-Friendly Navigation with React

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Approaches to create a friendly navigation in mobile phones.

Why Use Bottom Navigation in Mobile Websites

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Reasons why developers must opt to use mobile friendly navigation on websites.

Habits I've acquired as a developer

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Habits that make you a better developer everyday.

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